Update on Google Updates 2022

Google Updates

In 2022, Google remains the most used search engine in France (92%) with 8.2 billion searches typed per day, i.e., 95,000 queries/second (infographic Stéphane Serra, digital benchmark and SEO audit specialist). You therefore watch, like fuel on the fire, for changes in your positions in the Google results pages, especially if you are betting on your organic traffic to attract … Read more

Categories SEO

3 Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Optimisation Strategy


‍Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential part of any website or online business. After all, you want as many people as possible to find and discover your site when they search for relevant keywords. However, SEO can feel like a never-ending game with new rules and variables coming into play all the time. To … Read more

Top SEO Strategies To Grow Your Dental Practice

Dental Practice

Dental search engine optimization (SEO) is an important way dentists can grow their practice and increase their revenue. In today’s market, dentists need to have a strong presence online. SEO is a highly effective way dentists can grow the popularity of their practice and get local potential customers to find them.   Dental SEO Tips And … Read more

Tips in Choosing the Best SEO Agency Partner for Your Perth Business

Best SEO Agency Partner

Perth is the best place to start a business since it is considered the city where it dominates most of Western Australia’s economy. Before starting a business in Perth, you should know the many competitions you will face. A profitable business that a budding entrepreneur can begin in Perth is the chemical trading business. In fact, … Read more

CBD Backlinks – The Ultimate Guide 2021

CBD Backlinks

If a blogger from another domain links to one of your sites in one of their blog entries, you’ll get a backlink from them. When you link to a site or page that isn’t your own in your articles, you’re giving them a backlink. The process of building CBD backlinks aids in the improvement of … Read more

Categories SEO

Break Down The 5 Biggest Differences Of Amazon SEO Vs. Google SEO

Amazon SEO Vs. Google SEO

Explore how Amazon and Google – the world’s two most popular websites – differ from each other in terms of SEO practices. Keep reading and see for yourself! Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine, with more than 5.6 billion searches on a daily basis. On the other hand, Amazon makes a name for … Read more

Categories SEO

How Does Mobile-First Indexing Work, and How Does It Impact SEO?

Mobile-First Indexing

Do you want to know how mobile-first indexing works? If yes, this article is for you. In this article, you will learn everything about Google’s mobile-first index. You can find a lot of information online about Google’s mobile-first indexing. But not every piece of information is essential for you. Here in this article, we have … Read more

Categories SEO

Ways To Come Up With Great Ideas For Your Blog Posts

Blog Posts

It isn’t easy to push new information out into the world sometimes. The question is how your peers will perceive your statements can be unpleasant. Was it good what you wrote? Will it be favorably welcomed, or will a negative answer be created? Or worse, no response whatsoever? This attitude often drives us to oppress … Read more

Categories SEO

How To Make Landing Page Better?

Landing page

Landing pages, and the lead-capture forms that go with them, are without a doubt, two of the most critical parts of lead generation. Marketers would be seriously restricted if they could not convert visitors to their website to lead and generate reconversions. This is because landing pages drive site visitors to more focused pages with … Read more