5 Important FAQs Small Businesses Often Ask Concerning SEO Content Strategy

There are a lot of uncertainties involved with running a business of any size. But for small businesses, developing a plan to resolve those uncertainties can oftentimes be the difference between success and failure. 

When it comes to small business SEO, the fact is there are a lot of questions owners and managers have. With thousands of companies claiming to be “experts” in this field, it can be difficult to know who to trust. That’s why we put together a list of 5 common questions concerning SEO and how it can help you:

1. How Does SEO Work?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is critical to the success of any small business. This is true of both brick and mortar locations along with your online presence. SEO is the process that improves the search results of your website. Consult with the team at Engineroom if you would like information on internet marketing agency.

Ideally, you want to appear on the first page (though this is not always possible). There are numerous techniques involved in the overall strategy of small business SEO. A few examples include:

  • Keyword placement
  • Backlinks
  • Content and Technical SEO
  • Meta descriptions
  • Internal links

2. How Long Does It Take to See Increases In Traffic with SEO?

SEO isn’t an instant solution and results will not happen overnight. The first few months are usually spent updating your site and improving your existing web pages and content. After that, it can take a few or even several months for the search engine algorithms to index the changes. Once this happens, however, you can expect a noticeable improvement in the traffic to your site.

3. Should I Keep Using SEO After I’ve Achieved Good Rankings?

The short answer is; absolutely! Just as with any other brand and traffic-building strategy, once you have become relevant, staying relevant is the next challenge. Because search engines and their algorithms are constantly changing, your content will need to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of small business SEO.

4. Can SEO Guarantee Good Rankings?

This is a very important question and one you should ask any potential SEO experts you work with. If they provide you with any promises or guarantees; do not do business with them. Any ethical small business SEO company will tell you that there is no way to guarantee results with search engine technology which is proprietary and continuously updated and tweaked.

5. How often Are the Search Engines Algorithms Updated?

This question can only be answered by the engineers behind the search engine software. However, the head of Web Spam at Google recently said there are over 500 updates per year. That’s almost one-and-a-half per day!

Also read: How To Find An SEO Provider Company? Some Useful Tips

Where Do You Turn For Effective Small Business SEO?

With so many options for online marketing agencies, it can be hard to know who to trust. And as previously mentioned, anyone who makes promises or guarantees should be looked upon skeptically. The best companies will have a portfolio to share and a proven track record to back it up. Seeing how they line up with this list is a good start in determining who to partner with for your SEO needs.