Best Smells for a Scented Candle to Change Your Home

Scented Candle

When you think of a scented candle, what is the first smell that comes to mind? For many people, it’s the smell of vanilla. Vanilla is a popular scent for candles because it is considered to be a “safe” scent. It’s not too strong and it’s not too subtle. What’s more, it’s also a very … Read more

Update on Google Updates 2022

Google Updates

In 2022, Google remains the most used search engine in France (92%) with 8.2 billion searches typed per day, i.e., 95,000 queries/second (infographic Stéphane Serra, digital benchmark and SEO audit specialist). You therefore watch, like fuel on the fire, for changes in your positions in the Google results pages, especially if you are betting on your organic traffic to attract … Read more

Categories SEO

3 Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Optimisation Strategy


‍Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential part of any website or online business. After all, you want as many people as possible to find and discover your site when they search for relevant keywords. However, SEO can feel like a never-ending game with new rules and variables coming into play all the time. To … Read more

How to choose the right banner design for your business

banner design

As a business owner, you know that first impressions are important. You also know that an eye-catching banner can make all the difference in getting potential customers to visit your store or website. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right design for your business? Here are 15 things to consider … Read more

Why Are Legal Considerations Necessary in Everyday Life?

Legal Considerations

Legal frameworks are made for the benefit and ease of people. Where most people might think that legal structures restrict them from performing at their best, these legal frameworks are essential for maintaining the security of any business, field, or in general for everyday living. Legal considerations provide the basic rights to every individual that … Read more

Mental Health and Technology: Top Trends to Know

Health and Technology

As the world progresses and continuously embraces technology in everyday life, it is time we acknowledge the ongoing changes and see how everyone could adapt to changes. In terms of the pandemic shaping how we look at technology, the change is evident. Society is more dependent on apps than ever before. And surely, accessibility will … Read more

Want to change your life? Do these things daily

change your life

So many of us are not satisfied with our current state of affairs. Some are stuck in a rut; others are far too deep into their comfort zones to do something.  The constant unhappiness and your lack of initiative to change things can make you stuck in the situation that then causes you to enter … Read more