Website speed and accessibility issues and best way to prevent them

For most Internet users in today’s realities, a website loading speed exceeding 3 seconds is a lot. And this is true both for the desktop version of the website and for the mobile one. Modern people simply don’t like waiting and have no reason to love it. And in the same way, users do not like situations when the website they want is not available for any reason. In such situations, it is very likely that users, even those who constantly visit the website, may go to competitors. Because of this, the website will lose its audience. Not to mention the positions in the rankings of search and advertising results. This means that the website owner and his business will lose potential profits.

To simplify all of the above, it is in the best interests of any website owner to make every effort to ensure that the website works perfectly. In other words, it is important that a website be available to users 99.99% of its life, and load at high speed regardless of the user’s or server’s location. Otherwise, it will lead to financial, resource and reputational losses. Therefore, it is critical to understand what problems a website may have, how they can be solved, and how to track them effectively.

Issues with website speed and availability

Most website problems come from two sources – the website itself not working properly, or server-side problems. Both of these sources of problems are the responsibility of the webmaster, even if the website is hosted on a shared host. Since it is the task of the webmaster to monitor the status of the website from all directions, as well as to quickly and efficiently detect and fix problems. In any case, even if you do not have experience in solving such problems, it is worthwhile to understand that problems with the speed of a website and its accessibility often have relatively common roots. Конечно же, исключая физические проблемы с доступностью.

The root cause of all frequent problems both on the site side and on the server side is misconfigured software. In the case of a website, this could be unoptimized or broken code, overly heavy content (images, animations, and videos), or a misconfigured database. On the server side, this is incorrectly configured server software, incorrect hardware configuration, and so on.

Blocking issues are also a common problem on both the server side and the website side. As a rule, this is either getting a pool of IP addresses into the DNSBL blacklist, or a ban on access to the website / hosting by the local provider. 

Importance of website speed and accessibility for Google services

Advertising, promotion on search engine rankings, etc. – all this is critically important for the development of the site. However, any problems with access speed or site stability can nullify all efforts. Since search and advertising systems, especially Google Search and Google Ads, really do not like problem sites. And even less such systems like to restore the ranking of sites, even if the problems occurred only once, and the uptime did not decrease even by 1%.

The fact is that Google relies entirely on automation to select sites for its rankings. Both Google Ads and Google Search immediately reject any sites with problems. If a site loads slowly, it loses its place in the rankings. If a site doesn’t load, it drops out of the rankings until the problems are fixed. What’s more, even if the problems were short-lived and Google’s systems detected them, they would still take action. And the webmaster will have to spend a lot of time to restore the ranking, even if the problems were fixed the second the parser scanned the site.

On the other hand, if the site has no such problems, but there are problems with content loading or database performance, which is much more serious than slow performance, then Google will most often turn a blind eye to this. Because of this, users will see the site in search results or ad units. But at the same time. they will get to “dead links” or incorrectly running sites.

The best tools to deal with website monitoring

Of course, it is important for every site owner to ensure that their site is constantly monitored and problems are resolved as quickly as possible. But even the most attentive webmaster will not be able to monitor the site around the clock. And services like the website tracker do a great job of automatically monitoring websites.

The webmaster will be able to quickly and efficiently check site availability with host tracker service, as well as track down and eliminate possible causes of site stability problems. Especially since HostTracker uses an instant notification system with instant messages in case of troubles with the website. And multi-step diagnostic procedures minimize the number of false notifications of problems. With this service, the webmaster can:

  • Check site speed and availability through various internet protocols from over 140 locations using worldwide access points network.
  • Check if the domain/IP is on one of the known DNSBL blacklists.
  • Have an overview of website responsiveness, as well as the integrity of content and databases.
  • Use a functional check port tool on host-tracker to monitor server hardware accessibility and performance.
  • Monitor server software stability and integrity in real time.
  • Control Google Ads campaigns in case of various website issues.
  • Have access to detailed statistics with the ability to download reports.
  • Receive notifications about problems through various messengers in case of emergencies.

Every new user will receive a 30-day trial, thereby gaining access to the full set of tools. It will unlock the full potential of site monitoring capabilities immediately after registration. Without the need of providing any credentials or personal data before purchasing a paid service package. And even without registration, users will be able to try some functionality. For example, – site speed check with precise measuring from various locations.

Is it possible to control Google Ads subscription with monitoring tools?

To avoid problems with Google’s services and ranking systems, the webmaster should not only monitor and troubleshoot the site. It is also necessary to suspend subscriptions to Google Search and Ads in time. Then the site owner will avoid unnecessary reputational and financial losses. However, it is practically impossible to do this on your own. But you can use useful online services. 

For example, the HostTracker service allows the webmaster to manage a Google Ads subscription along with a set of site monitoring measures. With this, the webmaster doesn’t have to worry about problems with Google’s ranking systems. The HostTracker service system will disable subscriptions if the site encounters any problems. The webmaster only needs to set up the system properly and give it access to Google’s services.