6 Ways To Attract More Customers Through Videos

There’s no denying the fact that a huge population loves to absorb content through video. 

The video marketing technique is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. Let’s see what statistic says: 

Video currently makes up around 80% of all user web traffic.

Every year, the amount of mobile video consumption grows by 100%.

Video marketing is a fantastic way to engage with your potential clients and build better business relations considering the current trends. People respond strongly to video since it allows for a more human factor and allows your prospects to know you better.

Text-based articles, still pictures, and email can’t help you tell a more intriguing story than your face, voice tone, nonverbal cues, and surroundings. However, it’s also a powerful content channel for storytelling, which may help you stand out from the crowd, particularly if you haven’t yet incorporated video marketing into your entire marketing approach.

People purchase from people, not the business, and by including video into your marketing and sales plan, your potential clients will be able to see the personality behind the brand they’re dealing with.

According to a study, 79% of consumers now feel that video is the most effective method to learn about an online brand. Compared to emails without a video, those with a video get 4x the number of clicks. It’s also worth noting that video is one of the most effective methods to build authority on a topic or in a niche.

This blog will tell you 6 ways to attract customers through videos. 

Let’s get started.

Allow native YouTubers to create compelling stories

While you may feel you have a fantastic video concept, getting the help of a well-known YouTube channel to make a video for you is a wiser (and quicker) decision. At least one YouTube channel is likely to connect with your target customer demographic successfully, and that channel already understands how to create content that your target audience enjoys. Their viewers perceive it as fascinating video content rather than an ad. Moreover, these channels are used to swiftly produce excellent video, allowing you to bring a movie to market much faster and send it straight to a location where your audience is already ready to interact. Channel Pages gives you access to rich info about an existing channel and its viewers, including statistics and demographics, and you can find the right partner. 

Brand your videos regularly

You need to be consistent with your online footprint whether you’re doing live videos, professionally scripted and filmed webinars, or anything in between.

This will help people identify you when they view a video you’ve posted, and it will also convey a sense of professionalism, which will develop trust over time.

Determine the branding element(s) you’ll use in all of your videos to help people recognize your video content when they watch it. This might be anything from a unique accessory you wear to a simple company logo in the same corner or even a short, branded opening or outro on each video.

Make the video’s theme clear

There’s a lot of video content out there now competing for your prospective client’s attention.

As a result, it’s critical that you instantly pique their attention and effectively express the video’s topic in the title and description. In addition, you must give enough information for visitors to determine whether or not they want to watch your video – and it’s worth mentioning that many viewers will make this decision based only on the title of your video.

You’ll need to present an accurate and informative overview if you want people to commit to a longer video of five minutes or more. Try to emphasize two or three benefits that they will receive from viewing your video in your summary.

Distribute your videos 

Have a great video on your channel, but no one is watching it? Encourage consistent channels on Channel Pages to distribute your videos into their playlists or even trade playlist integrations since a rising tide raises all ships. It’s a fantastic method to increase the number of people that see your videos quickly. Having other channels promote your video is another wonderful method to boost your brand’s reputation and awareness.

While distribution, remember that social media videos are not the same length for all the video-sharing sites. If you post long films on social media, they may not get the attention they deserve. As a result, it’s great for trimming films with a good video trimmer. Aside from that, social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have placed video limits.

Consider alternatives to video

Video marketing doesn’t have to be restricted to YouTube, and neither should your strategy. Many YouTube channels and producers were already well-known on the web and social media before turning to YouTube, and even those who started there are rapidly extending their followers elsewhere, implying that the potential for video dissemination is limitless. Explore more methods to share and leverage resources once you’ve secured partners from Channel Pages for growth.

Make use of social proof

People use social proof as a major factor in deciding whom to do business with.

When choosing, people look to what others have done, which is why ratings, recommendations, and endorsements can be so effective for businesses.

In simpler terms, social proof helps people make selections when they are confused, based on the experiences and decisions of others who have made similar choices along the way.

Also read : How To Improve Your Video Ads for Social Media?

Final thoughts 

Video has become an increasingly significant aspect of digital marketing because it allows you to engage with your prospects and customers more personally.

When done well, video marketing allows viewers to learn more about you and your business in a way that other types of content marketing can’t match because it closely mimics the experience of a face-to-face engagement.

With so many software, applications, and mobile devices now conveniently and affordably available, generating video content has never been easier. With a little time, work, and a well-thought-out video marketing strategy, you, too, can start sharing valuable video content with your audience.