How to Defend Against Cyber Security Threats for Businesses

Cyber security is the backbone of every business and a most often neglected strategy. Many organisations do not have a cyber security policy in place, and day in and day out, various cyber-attacks are being carried out. As technology evolves, so will the attack vector surface as hackers develop sophisticated ways of breaching into computer systems. Businesses can avoid falling victim to cyber-attacks by taking remediation measures and ensuring that their systems and networks are secure.

In this guide, we will cover the basics of defending and mitigating cyber threats, including what steps to take to stay protected.

1. Use Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Two-factor authentication is available on every app and security program these days. But multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of security. Hackers can access your login credentials like email and password by installing malware, but when you enable MFA, a passcode gets sent to your device when they attempt to log in. Unless they have physical access to your smartphone or tablet, they cannot view the passcode, and in most cases, there’s a time limit after this code expires and a new one gets generated. There’s simply insufficient time to figure out and cause a data breach.

2. Start Using a Password Vault

If you use multiple passwords across multiple accounts, it can be tough to remember them. Sometimes you have to change passwords every month to ensure optimal security. If that’s the case, start using a password vault. A password fault auto-generates random and hard-to-guess passwords for all your accounts; all you need is the master key to access it. Whenever you log in, it will automatically fill out forms, login portals, and online applications for you. There are also many password managers you can use online for added security.

3. Update and Patch Your Systems

Lack of regular system updates and not patching systems are often primary reasons hackers easily infiltrate organisations. It is essential to assess vulnerability before software updates to identify gaps and vulnerabilities. There is less concern for security breaches when operating systems are patched and up-to-date.

4. Incorporate Cyber Security Awareness Training Programs

Most employees don’t know how to take personal accountability for data and keep sensitive information safe. A cyber security awareness training program can walk them through the basics. These programs give a well-rounded education on cyber security principles, safeguarding their social media profiles, keeping information secure, and knowing how to spot malware and phishing scams. Instil a culture of cyber awareness with them, and there are many Great Learning cyber security courses you can recommend to your employees. These days, companies are adding cyber security awareness training as part of the hiring and onboarding process.

5. Create Backups of Your Data

Cyber security is not foolproof, and even the best security systems get breached worldwide. Creating file backups is always a good idea, and you have backup plans and measures in place, so your files don’t get deleted. 

Store data on fully encrypted devices and link the device credentials with networks. For network-attached storage devices, set up complex passwords so malicious attackers don’t get the opportunity to hijack and encrypt your backups.

6. Report Threats Immediately

Don’t wait until the last minute to act. Report cyber threats to legal authorities immediately so that other organisations stay in the loop. Every cyber regulatory body has a threat database that constantly updates and sends updates to all users. When you do a good job reporting, you keep yourself safe and other victims as well.

7. Enable VPN to Firewalls

Remote Desktop Protocol Brute Force Attacks are common nowadays, and VPN-enabled firewalls encrypt all communications across workplaces, offices, networks, and other work environments. A VPN can protect your users from logging into harmful websites and prevent intrusion attempts.

Be sure to update to the latest firmware and not use the default password. Most employees will be required to install this firewall software on their phones and devices before logging in and accessing company networks.

8. Learn About Social Engineering Trends

Attacks don’t target technology solely but the people behind them. Awareness of the latest phishing, vishing and smishing scams is essential. Educate employees about them and make sure nobody interacts with suspicious emails. Do not interact or attempt to engage if you get texts from unknown numbers with links sent to your devices. A single click can let your attacker grab your IP address and escalate the situation. And most attackers perform reconnaissance on victim profiles before sending out these links, which means they’ve collected enough information. Have a solid cyber security strategy that factors in the latest social engineering and not just automating your security solutions. 

Also read: Why Every Business Should Perform Cyber Security Penetration

9. Establish Real-Time Threat Monitoring 

Real-time threat monitoring can help you instantly detect potential threats and respond to them. Create a threat incident response and prevention plan after that. Audit your security systems regularly and make modifications. Work with an ethical hacker to develop a comprehensive security remediation plan. Create a cyber security policy for your company to ensure data safety meets your state’s legal and regulatory requirements. 

Your cyber security defence plan is not a one-time solution and needs to be constantly improvised as new threats emerge, and it’s an ongoing process.


If you need help getting started, Great Learning has tons of resources to guide you through their best cybersecurity program. Cyber security training is becoming an essential part of the hiring process for software developers and employees of all fields in general. A robust cyber security strategy takes not just threat mitigation but also remediation measures. You can also take an ethical hacker certification or penetration testing course to learn the basics online.