How to Choose the Right Recruitment Tools for Your Agency?

To begin with, let us first see what all recruitment tools are used by recruiters frequently to streamline the talent acquisition process. They are:

  • Applicant Tracking System: An ATS is an all-in-one solution to the recruiter’s every problem. An Applicant tracking system leverages artificial intelligence to source candidates, automate repetitive tasks, resume parsing, job postings, etc. 75% of recruiters use ATS for hiring candidates, out of which 94% are satisfied with their recruitment software.
  • Candidate Relationship Management System: A CRM is an effective tool for building a talent pool and nurturing a genuine relationship with passive candidates. It stores the information received by applicants in its database and matches it with any current or future open positions, saving a lot of time and money on sourcing talents.
  • Recruitment Marketing Tools: These tools are designed to improve recruitment marketing by attracting top talent through various marketing methods. Its primary purpose is to increase job awareness on multiple channels.
  • Recruitment Assessment Tools: Wrong hiring decisions can be dreadful for a company’s future. Therefore, recruiters have a load of pressure to hire only the right candidate. By using recruitment assessment tools like video interviewers, etc., recruiters can quicken the hiring process while maintaining the quality of hires. Though the recruiter makes the final decision, assessment tools are the best way to screen out ineligible candidates.
  • Background screening tools: According to studies, around 45% of all resumes consist of one identity fabrication. Recruiters need to perform a thorough background check on candidates before making any hiring decision, especially for high-volume recruiting. Background screening tools can effectively solve this issue and enhance the recruiting process.
  • Analytics software: At the end of the day, businesses that keep on improving their weak points are the ones that achieve success. Recruitment is no exception. Recruiters must have analytics software like Google Analytics to track their recruitment process and make necessary changes in their strategy.

Choosing a Right Recruitment Tool

1. Identify Your Agency’s Needs and Challenges

The initial step to choosing the right recruitment tools for your agency is identifying your needs and challenges. Every company’s workflow, budget, goals, etc., are different, and so are their hiring needs. You can easily get carried away while investing in resources for your agency, so it is better to list all your needs before starting your recruitment tool hunt.

The recruitment software that you choose must solve your challenges while hiring talent. Some common challenges faced by recruiters are:

  • Inability to target passive candidates
  • Not being able to reach on multiple channels.
  • Using no employee referral program
  • Improper recruitment marketing methods
  • Lack of employee branding
  • Not having proper resources.
  • Poorly designed database
  • Less budget
  • Inability to integrate ATS with HRIS tools, etc.

Analyze your workflow to determine your agency’s needs and wants. Then, discuss all the issues with your team members before making any decision.

2. List Out “Must-Have” Features

After identifying your hiring needs and challenges, prepare a list of all the “must-haves” you are looking for in your recruitment tools. These can be:

  • A resume parser to automate screening of candidates
  • AI tools like chatbots to enhance the candidate experience
  • Video or chat-based interviewing feature
  • Time management and scheduling features
  • Metric analyzer
  • Software to post a job advertisement on multiple channels in just a click.
  • Payroll system to keep track of paid and unpaid invoices
  • A system that complies with data security or GDPR provisions
  • A system that can be hosted on the cloud or works on mobile devices, etc.

This “must-have” list can go on and on, based on your agency’s requirements. But writing them down will give you a clear picture of what to look for in recruitment tools while purchasing.

3. Customer Support is Often Overlooked but Plays an Important Role in Making Decision

Recruiters are responsible for enhancing candidate experience, so no one knows the importance of excellent customer support more than them. Therefore, while choosing recruitment tools, they must look for a responsive vendor who quickly provides quality customer service.

Choose a vendor who helps you evaluate your recruitment tools and openly shows the pros and cons of selecting any tool. You might need their support while setting up the system or while integrating. An excellent support system can help you make the best decision of choosing the right tool and creating a better workflow for your agency. Training sessions or free demos can further smoothen the process by eliminating any technical errors.

4. Easy Integration Options Must be the Priority

Any recruitment tool must have the ability of several integrations. Seamless Integrations help streamline the recruitment process by creating an easy path to reach multiple social media platforms, job boards, third-party tools, etc., just in a few clicks.

This feature reduces both time and friction in searching for an AI recruiting tool. Instead of searching from scratch, you can easily tour any ATS’s partner marketplace and find the best tool for your system.

Some standard integrations that you must look for in recruitment software are:

  • Gmail merge and other messenger apps
  • Job boards
  • Social media
  • Your agency’s website
  • The timesheet portal to track employees’ work, shift, billing, etc.
  • Psychometric assessment tools

Many recruitment software available in the marketplace allows such integrations to streamline your hiring process. Do detailed research before settling on the one that suits your need.

5. Mobile Recruitment Features Cannot Be Ignored

Mobile recruitment facilities have become a must today, especially after the rise in remote work. In addition, 45% of job seekers look for jobs using their phones, indicating how crucial mobile recruitment is to attract these candidates.

Some features of mobile recruiting are:

  • It helps recruiters to access work without being on the desk.
  • It enhances candidates’ experience since recruiters can respond to them even if they are not at their workplace.
  • Features of intelligent segmentation help in managing work more easily
  • More focused information is available under just a fingerprint.

These days, applicants expect mobility in the application process. Also, recruiters are benefitted from this feature. Therefore, before choosing any recruitment tool, you must check if it is compatible with mobile devices.

6. Evaluate Recruitment Tools to Find the Best One

After listing all the features you need in your recruitment tool, browse through the marketplace and find the tools that align with your goals. Two common ways to evaluate recruitment tools are:

  • Going through the review sites: Software review sites are the best way to evaluate recruitment tools. These sites summarize users’ reviews of those tools and rank them from high-rated tools to the lowest. Based on the list, recruiters can try the top-most tools for their agency.
  • Hands-on Experience: No recruitment tool is perfect. It can be ideal for you according to your needs. Hence, the best way to choose one is by having a free trial or a demo before actually purchasing any. This approach will give you a better insight into the features of recruitment tools; therefore, you can make a better decision.

Today, several choices are available in the marketplace to select recruitment tools from, making it even more challenging for recruiters to make the best decision. Hence, these pointers will help you land on your ideal tools.