Advantages of Choosing Mobile App Development Services in Dubai

Hiring a mobile app development company in haste can cost you your whole investment. Imagine spending AED 50,000 on your dream mobile app, and getting a slow, insecure, and app full of bugs in return. Won’t it leave you in a horrible depression?

When it comes to hiring a mobile app development company from Dubai, your best option is to look for a credible local company.

Getting information about a certain local company and cross-checking testimonials and projects on their portfolio is much easier compared to inquiring about a foreign app development team.

Fortunately, in Dubai, there’s no shortage of such companies that deliver top-notch mobile applications and stay true to their commitments. So if you have an app development project, prefer local companies over foreign agencies.

Top 5 Advantages of Choosing Mobile Application Development Services in Dubai

1. 100% Security of Advance Payment

Normally, software companies ask for advance payments. And they have the right to do so; what if you disown the project upon completion? But initially, it’s natural to be reluctant to pay upfront.

However, if the company you’re collaborating with is based in Dubai, you will have peace of mind. At any time you can visit their office and inquire about your app’s progress. 

And, just in case, something goes wrong and the company tries to cheat you, you can take legal action and get your money back. This is the biggest advantage of working with local companies, they can’t run away with your money.

2. Same Timezone, Easy Communication

Getting all your requirements across at once is rare. Stakeholders have to go through several sessions with the development team before they have conveyed their purpose behind the app, the features they’re looking for, timeline, etc.

And when there’s a significant difference in the timezones of both parties, communication becomes a challenge. When it’s daytime in UAE it might be midnight in the country where a team is working on your app.

And any gap in communication can lead to a fiasco. The team will rush to deliver your app within the deadline, while you will be unable to convey last-moment changes at the right time.

Whereas, local teams are available round the clock. You can contact them during working hours, meet them in person, discuss every single feature in detail, and thus there are fewer chances of errors due to communication gaps.

3. More Vetting Opportunities

You want the best app development teams to work on your app, right? This is possible when you have multiple options, you can vet the available companies in terms of portfolio, customer reviews, and even compare their prices. And such thorough vetting is only possible when you work with local companies.

Local companies have local clients, and it’s much easier to reach out to local brands than contacting a brand located in another continent. You can ask them about their experience of working with an app development company you’re about to choose for your app; if they delivered the promised products within the decided timeline or not?

4. Save Cost

An app development company located in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, or any other country with a higher currency value than UAE is bound to charge you more than the local companies.

And this difference can be massive. For example, the same app a local company is willing to create for 30,000 AED an American company might charge 20,000 dollars for it.

So, if you hire a local company, not only do you enjoy peace of mind but also save a handsome amount that you can spend in another area for the growth of your business.

5. No Legal Challenges

The cost of hiring a fraud or greedy company is too big. Unethical companies are hesitant to turn over an app’s source code. They will never want you to go to another team for updating the existing app or hiring an in-house team to manage it.

However, it’s your right to get the source code. At the end of the project, some developers might demand extra payment for sharing source code. If the development team is in a far-off location, you can’t do much. In the end, you will have to pay a few bucks in exchange for the source code.

Issues regarding IP theft and contract infringement are also common. Small disputes can escalate and result in the termination of the contract. All such cases and legal issues can be sorted out if you are working in a local company since both parties will follow the same laws.

Before collaborating with a company, prepare a written contract and include every condition in it. Explicitly mention that you will get the source code, developers can’t sell the same software to any other company, ifs and buts regarding the termination of the contract, etc.

Final Thoughts

No business owner who spends on app development wants to waste his money. And at the same time, they expect the app development company to be honest and stay true to its commitments.

So to avoid any kind of headache and get the best out of your investment, hiring a local mobile app development company in Dubai is your best option.