Types of Forbrukslån (Consumer Loans)

People strive to have enough money and no financial issues; however, you can face some circumstances that lead to the exact opposite situation, which is why we can run out of money. These can be some emergencies and unforeseen expenses that can happen when you least expect them.

If you have side money and enough savings for these situations, you probably do not have to worry. But if you have not thought enough about rainy days, you have to manage these difficulties in other ways. The solution may be to borrow money; it is up to you to decide how to do it.

For example, you can ask close people to lend you some money. That is perhaps the best option if you do not need too much and can financially rely on friends and relatives. You pay no interest or fees on these loans, but you can endanger personal relationships with borrowers by not sticking to the deal.

For those who do not want to mix finances with personal stuff, the solution is traditional loans from certified lenders. These institutions like this site, https://forbrukslånguide.com, lend money under certain conditions and charge for this service. In this way, you can borrow as much as you need and even choose between many financial products that suit you best. For starters, it is good to know two major loan types – unsecured and secured.

Unsecured Loans

When you apply for a loan, lenders assess your creditworthiness. If you are a good borrower according to their criteria, they will offer you a range of unsecured arrangements. These are financial products that do not require any guarantee in terms of collateral because a good credit score, low DTI, and high income qualify you as a low-risk applicant.

Unsecured loans are an excellent choice if you meet the lender’s conditions because you do not face the risk of losing your property in case of difficulties with returning the money. In general, these financial products carry a bit higher interest than arrangements secured with assets. Common types of unsecured financial products are personal loans and credit cards.

Personal Loans

Personal loans are probably the most flexible financial product. You can apply whenever you need money, of course, within the lenders’ maximum offer, which usually goes up to several tens of thousands of dollars. In rarer situations, lending providers can give you more money without collateral, provided you have an excellent credit score and a stellar payment history.

With personal loans, you get a lump sum to spend any way you want. You should return it within the agreed period following the agreed conditions. Rates for these financial arrangements can vary (from 4 to 48%), but they will usually depend on the amount borrowed and repayment term, as well as your creditworthiness and risk assessment. You should be a good, responsible borrower to get favorable lending terms and thus save money on interest.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are a specific form of short-term borrowing with their pros and cons, depending on how you treat them. With this financial tool, you do not get a lump sum but a revolving credit that you can use every month. The maximum limit is estimated based on your income, DTI, and credit history.

This limit is renewed every month, so you always have the same amount at your disposal. Of course, that does not mean you have to spend it entirely. The optimal utilization rate is around 30%, and if that is not enough for you, you can request a limit increase to get more credit available.

Regardless of how much money you spend, you settle the balance regularly every month in full or transfer it from month to month. In general, card issuers set minimum payments you must pay to avoid additional costs. However, at some point, you will have to pay off the entire balance plus the associated interest.

Secured Loans

Unsecured loans can be restrictive when you want to borrow more money or when you are not what lenders consider an ideal borrower. In the first case, lending providers ask for collateral because larger sums of money are involved, so they need something to cover potential losses in case of repayment default.

If you belong to the candidates with a below-average score, unsecured loans can be awfully expensive. Also, there is a great chance that traditional lenders will reject your application because they consider you too risky. That doesn’t mean you have no chance, as you can secure your loan and thus reduce lenders’ concerns about repayment.

In principle, any personal loans can be converted into secured ones. But some lenders do not offer that option, so it’s important to inquire about these financial products before applying. On the other hand, some loans are insured by default, and those are the arrangements you use to buy a house or a car or cash out your equity.


Mortgages are large loans that borrowers use to secure housing. These are generally the financial arrangements that carry the lowest interest rate and the longest repayment period (but it can be as low as 10 years), all because the real estate you are buying is used as a guarantee for repayment.

Collateral makes these loans minimally risky because every responsible borrower will pay installments on time to not lose their home. What can additionally lower the mortgage cost is the possibility of a down payment. It’s usually the amount of 20% of the value of the property you’re buying, but it can be higher. Generally, the more you pay outside of the loan, the more favorable this arrangement will be.

When you apply for a mortgage, lenders decide based on many parameters, the main one of which is your credit score. Your income and the stability of employment also matter. What many negate is the employer’s credibility – the better it is, the better your odds for a favorable mortgage.

Car Financing

Similar to a mortgage, in car loans, collateral is your vehicle. If you are regular with your payments, this collateral is just a formality. If you have problems with repayment, the lender can repossess your car and sell it to pay off the rest of the debt.

As with all secured loans, vehicle financing has lower interest rates than personal loans. But you can choose slightly more expensive arrangements if you want to pay off this debt as soon as possible. Thus, you can shorten the repayment term from 10 to 5 years. Also, you can save money because you will pay less interest.

Also Read: How to Get a Payday Loan Online

Home Equity Loan

This one is a special arrangement that also includes your real estate, but only a part of it that you have already paid off with regular mortgage payments. So, if you need cash, your equity can be a good pledge for cheap financing.

By tapping into your equity, you can borrow enough money to refinance your mortgage, renovate your home, start a business, or do any larger and more expensive project. Experts warn that you should not cash in your equity if you need money for some non-essential expenses or investments.

Before borrowing money, it is good to have some foreknowledge to avoid common traps and mishaps. You have so many options out there, which can be good and bad. Arm yourself with information and choose the best one out there.