Top Seven Project Management Techniques That Every Project Manager Should Be Aware Of

Project management is a process of enterprise that involves the application of various techniques and principles to plan, process, and execute to complete a project. By opting for an effective project management system the project manager can complete projects without affecting the predetermined outcome of the project. However, to complete a project, the project manager should be adept with knowledge of what techniques they should apply in a particular project. 

This article vents into different techniques and methodologies that are applied in a project. So, let’s start with it. 

7 Common Project Management Techniques 

The Waterfall 

The waterfall technique is a traditional project management technique that uses a linear approach to complete a project. In this method, the project manager creates a plan according to various requirements of the project before the initiation of the project itself. As the name suggests itself, the waterfall method goes through a strict step by step order. The project members will complete a certain phase of the project before initiating their work on the next step. This method is mostly focused on the importance of documentation of the project. 


This method involves the project member dividing various activities of the project into different small segments, known primarily as sprints. Typically, the project is divided into 3 or 5 sprints. And project members work on these sprints in an orderly manner. After completion of the sprints, they evaluate the whole project and make changes if the project requires them. 


Kanban is sort of an agile method. But, the project members break down the project into several chunks and pieces based on the workflow and it completely focuses on the organisation. This technique provides flexibility in the process and focuses primarily on the efficiency and visualisation of the workflow. Furthermore, it helps the project manager to Label different phases according to their categories, such as “to-do”, “under-progress”, and “complete”. 


Scrum is the project management system that also applies the principle of agile in practice. Using this method the project teams can complete complex projects. Scrum uses five different principles in work. They are courage, commitment, focus, respect, and openness. The objective of this particular method is to improvise communication, speed of development, and collaboration among the team members. 

Critical Path Method (CPM)

The critical path method (CPM) of project management techniques creates a list of activities that are going to take place in the overall procedure. The project manager categorises activities according to their time of completion and the efforts each activity will require. Furthermore, it can also help the project manager to seek out the complex activities that might adversely affect the outcome of the project. CPM helps the project manager to create an overall outline schedule of the entire project which they later present to the stakeholders.

Six Sigma

It is a quality management process that completely focuses on eliminating errors in development. These techniques allow the project manager to seek out any error and remove it. This project makes sure of quality and consistency with the outcome. 


PRiSM or the project integrating sustainable model technique is a sustainable project management method that enables the project manager to implement environmental variables to complete a project. Using this method the enterprise can control its negative environmental impacts while working on different projects. 


By choosing the right project management techniques the project manager will have the advantage of completing a project within a limited timeframe while obtaining the maximum potential of the outcome. So, choosing the right technique is extremely necessary in order to complete a project.