Top 7 email marketing tips for eCommerce stores

Stepping out of your home to shop at stores has become a thing of the past. Gen Z believes in shopping from the comfort of their homes. The only effort – a few clicks. This factor only means it is time for eCommerce stores to celebrate.

However, the catch here is that your eCommerce store must be at the top of its mind. How can that be possible? Of course, by floating an impactful email marketing management campaign.

Please get to know the trade tricks, and it is not long before your campaign becomes a super-duper hit.

Let us now unveil the “7” go-to email marketing tips for eCommerce stores. Here is an example – a B2C online shopping portal, which we will be calling ShopIt hereafter.

Tip 1:

Give a warm welcome to your visitors and one-time buyers. Let us assume, the shop sells a wide range of ethnic and western apparel. Now, Maria visits the ShopIt website, scrolls through the products, and goes back to doing her work because she isn’t able to make up her mind.

What shop does? Sends her a welcome email, which reminds Maria of the search she left midway.

Tip 2:

There was one problem, though. Maria receives a plethora of promotional emails every day. This deluge of emails means she will possibly miss the email sent by ShopIt. However, Team ShopIt has been smart enough to put all eCommerce email marketing tips to use, one of which was to roll out a short, crisp, and impact-driven headline.

Welcome to shop – something as simple as this is enough to get Maria to visit the shop website and begin shopping. 

Tip 3:

Maria might be busy with her office affairs and may not have the time to explore all the products that are up for sale on ShopIt. Make things easy for her by offering a snapshot, something like a catalog, covering all the important products.

One glance through this catalog and let Maria know that ShopIt is the solution for all her shopping needs. Once that happens, your job is through. 

Tip 4:

Focus on value-addition. Maria would love to know your brand story and your vision with ShopIt. Let us say you have a wing wherein you deal with sustainable products. Add value by discussing different dimensions related to sustainability.

Maria has received multiple promotional and sale-sy emails today. Avoid adding to her woes. Instead, choose to be different. Push in a newsletter that talks extensively about adopting green living. You might end up finding a loyalist right there.

Tip 5:

Visual appeal is a game-changer. When Maria opens your email, let her experience a breath of fresh air. Use bright, lively colors. Take the liberty of going all-in with the element of vibrancy.

At ShopIt, you believe in variety, don’t you? Bring out the same variety in your email marketing campaigns. Avoid making your emails text-intensive. Use different types of media. For instance, include images. Add a video. Push in a newsletter. Allow Maria to explore a vast basket of Creatives. Once you do that, it is difficult for her to forget you and move to a competing brand. 

Tip 6:

Do you know what Maria loves the most about shopping? With the many offers and discounts that she can utilize, she might want to buy that cute baby pink bag. The moment a discount coupon comes her way, she will likely close the deal.

The shop runs a discount, but unfortunately, Maria does not know about it. the shop is losing out on a ready sale. the shop could have done better to intimate Maria about the ongoing discount offers. Share the details and coupons with Maria via email. The next moment the baby pink bag would be in Maria’s cart.

Tip 7:

You may use the best strategies, but the entire campaign might still be a bomb, only for this one reason. Do you know what can disappoint ShopIt? The team forgot to check if the email layout was compatible with all devices.

Maria uses different devices. Today, she opens her emails on her desktop. Tomorrow, she gives her email box a glance on her mobile phone. the shop can make email marketing successful by investing time and effort to ensure compatibility.

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Final Thoughts:

Maria, your target audience is very much there. Now, all that you need to do is rightly communicate with her. Keep her hooked on your brand. Aim at keeping her loyalties with you.

You have made the right decision by choosing email marketing. The benefit of your choice is by putting the apt email marketing tips in place. For starters, the above pointers should offer you the right direction.