Tips On Finding The Perfect NYC SEO Company For Your Business

It can be frustrating knowing that your online business desperately needs SEO, but not knowing where to start. And that is made even harder when everywhere you turn there’s an SEO company that claims to be ‘the best in New York’.

Where do you begin? And how can you be certain that your prospective SEO company is as good as they claim to be?

In this article, we’re going to share some helpful tips on finding the perfect NYC SEO company for your business.

Search online

The first obvious step is to start searching online and try to find an NYC SEO that stands out. One great indicator is using the local search results as any company that makes it onto the automatic local listings is clearly well-established and understands the fundamentals of SEO.

That said, don’t let that be your main deciding criteria. One SEO company could be dominating local searches because they’ve been around for longer. That’s not necessarily an indication that they are going to be the best for your business.

Not only that but there are many world-class SEO agencies out there who do not bother so much with their own SEO so much and rely on word of mouth and referrals instead (after all, it does feel like a bit of a busman’s holiday).

The best approach is to start compiling a list of NYC SEO companies that catch your eye. Then you can take your time to visit each website and start getting to know them better.

– Note: do judge a book by its cover. What does the website look like? Is their banner design game strong? Do they have a compelling copy that resonates with you? Does the website have a good flow and great usability? First impressions matter.

Look for social proof

As you build your list of potential options, start visiting their websites and social media channels and see what kind of social proof they have. How positive are the reviews? What are their clients saying about the service that they provide?

If you find overwhelming positive reviews, you’ll have a much easier time putting your confidence in an agency.

Request and read their case studies

Another effective way of separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff is by requesting and researching their case studies.

Any New York City SEO company worth its salt will not shy away from showing off its achievements. So, when you’re in the process of shopping around for an agency you can invest in, make sure you look for those who are willing to show you their previous and ongoing successful campaigns.

Consider SEO companies with a specialist niche

When exploring your prospects, it can’t hurt to ask an SEO company if they specialize in a specific area and/or what they have the most experience in. If you can find an SEO company that has case studies relevant to your industry, then it’s safe to say that they will have a thorough understanding of what it will take to get you similarly impressive results.

That said, don’t be put off if an SEO company doesn’t have experience with businesses in your industry. Any reputable agency will turn down business if they are not confident in their ability to get the results, just as any experienced SEO specialists will be able to confidently deliver no matter what industry you are in.

In any case, a little background experience can’t hurt.

Be realistic about your budget

Be realistic about and know your budget. To do this, you need to shop around a fair bit and get a thorough understanding of how much your competitors are likely spending and what the average prices are for digital marketing services.

For example, if your expectations are to set the world on fire with a $500 per month spend, you’re going to have a bad time. Just as any agency that bites your hand off for such a low investment is likely inexperienced and/or not too invested in the outcome.

Final thoughts

Ultimately, so long as you do your due diligence, finding a reputable SEO company that you can confidently invest in should not be too difficult. As for finding the ‘perfect’ company, you should trust your gut.

Book some consultations and interact with your prospective companies before making any final decisions. If you have an instant rapport with one specific agency, and they’ve ticked all of the previous boxes, then you may yet be a winner!