No matter what job or career you are in, there will always be a need to do some office tasks. When doing these office tasks, it is likely that you will be working with PDFs. These PDFs are used to view and edit documents. If you are a lawyer, they can be used to make legal agreements, if you are a teacher, they can be used to create tests and study guides. There is no end to the use of PDFs really. While PDFs are very useful, to work with them, you will need to use a PDF editor or PDF editing software. These PDF editors offer a diverse array of tools and utilities that can not only make your work easier but also allow you to create and change the PDF for specific purposes. One of the most useful tools anyone can use with a PDF editor is the Split PDF tool.
So, what is the split PDF tool? The Split PDF tool allows you to take a PDF and split it into two or more documents. While this might sound simple, and possibly not so important it can be used to accomplish a lot. The reason this tool is so essential is that we are often working with larger documents that either cannot be sent or there is a lot of information so sending the entire document is either impossible, unnecessary, or both. For example, if a researcher either academic or professional, needs a piece of information from a book in PDF form, there is no sense in using the entire book when only one page is needed. For this, they would have the ability to split the page away from the rest of the PDF. It is obviously a great tool with a lot of purposes, but how do we actually go about using the split PDF tool?
Open the PDF in Acrobat DC.

Before you can think about using the split PDF tool, you need to search for and choose an Online PDF editor or PDF editing software. There are many great options to choose from, but the most important thing to consider is if it offers the tools you need, in this case, the split PDF tool. This is a common tool so most PDF editors will have it but it is always good to check. Once you have a PDF editor chosen to fulfill your particular task, the next step is to open the PDF editor and use it to open your document. Opening your PDF is simple, if you are using one of the more widely used PDF editing services such as Adobe Acrobat, it will be as simple as selecting the file and choosing to open it in Adobe Acrobat or whichever PDF editor you have chosen. Now that the PDF is open, it is ready to be used. Now we can use our split PDF tool.
Choose “Organize Pages” > “Split.”
With your document open in your PDF editor, it is time to split the PDF. You should identify which pages you would like to split from the original PDF. For example, pages 5-10. Depending on the PDF editor, the options could look slightly different for Adobe Acrobat or other major PDF editors, there will be an organize page(s) option that can be chosen and from here there will be an additional option to split the PDF. After choosing this option, you will be asked which pages need to be split. In addition to being able to split pages, you can also split them into different files.
Choose how you want to split a single file or multiple files.
Depending on your goals, you might want to save the split pages into different files. This can be because you are working on different projects, or you might just want to separate the data that you are working with. For those who are working in an office setting, there might be instances where the data might need to be sent to other people in different departments or in an academic situation, faculties. It makes no sense to send several people a large PDF with unnecessary information, this is why splitting and then saving your pages as different files can be very useful.
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Name and save: Click “Output Options” to decide where to save, what to name, and how to split your file.
After deciding about how many files you want to split your PDF into, it is just a few clicks to see it done. The Output Option can be used to determine a few things after you tell it to split the PDF. It gives you the option of where to save it, which can be to your desktop, your Google Drive account (if you are using LuminPDF), or any other location. Also, with the Output Option choose what to name your new files. This is important since it will be how you find your new files. Remember to assign them a name that can be easily remembered. Lastly, you just need to choose which pages will be split away into which files.
Split your PDF: Click “OK” and then “Split” to finish.
Finally, you need to select the ok option to finish splitting your files. Now that your files are split, it is good to open them separately to make sure that everything worked out correctly and as you needed them. There is always the possibility of some mistake or even human error (it happens to all of us).
Now that you can split PDFs into other PDFs, there are a lot of options open to you and your career. Since everyone is working with PDFs at some point in their working or academic lives, having these tools can be a big part of your success. There are other useful PDF tools of course such as the ability to compress or convert a PDF, but with the split PDF option, you can take what you need from a PDF without having to manage a large and unwieldy document. The Split PDF tool is likely to become one of your favorite working utilities.