Positive Things That Every Decent Workload Management Tools Need

True to its name, shortening workload management processes (thus making them convenient to access) is the primary goal of every workload management tool. At the same time, making the process more effective to execute alone is not enough.

Today, we’ve left behind some less-than-average workload management tools and tools that require more than extra training for the users. This is a lesson for us to consider at least positive things that every workload management tools need these days.

More precisely, the following positive traits are the things we should consider before using any workload management tools for our organizations:

1. The ranges in supporting diverse types of Kanban tool

We know the Gantt chart as an essential tool for managing projects in the past. It is because this chart gives vivid bars and graphics that show team members how much they have completed and how much effort they should make to finish the jobs on time.

Today, most organizations use Kanban due to its practical visualizations, and these organizations have repeatedly reported that their efficiency at work increased after they used Kanban cards to manage their projects. Furthermore, workers in the IT departments worldwide consistently praise Kanban due to their adjustable personalization options for every single department.

Recently, Kanban also comes in the form of swimlanes. These Kanban swimlanes are similar to the Gantt chart, with the difference in the product line separations. Such things are effective for companies that sell both products and services.

2. The metrics in the tools

Since performance metrics are things that are always present within an organization, the metrics should also be clear in the workload management tools. So, it is crucial to see what the metrics are, how to set up the values, and more before we set our minds to a specific workload management tool.

Items that the team members complete on time versus in-progress works, the newly-assigned projects (or clients), the required time to complete a project, and other metrics, should also be clear in a decent workload management tool. In displaying the metrics’ results, many of these tools use graphics and bars with one solid color for each box.

That way, team members will have convenient times to present the performance metric results. Even though there are no specific training parts in training employees to do these things, employees will do fine by only looking at the metrics’ elements.

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3. Support different types of project management techniques

A decent workload management tool should not only rely on one project management technique. 

Rather, it should follow today’s streams to support two (or more) project management techniques through its metrics and tools. It should even let project managers run two (or more) techniques at once.

Agile and Teamhood are the two most in-demand project management techniques these days. The Waterfall technique is the conventional technique to manage projects step-by-step, which involves six different completion stages and is generally more appropriate for planning processes. 

Meanwhile, the Agile technique is the modern technology that emphasizes effectiveness in handling complex constraints. Hence, it is more practical and direct than the Waterfall counterpart.