How To Create A Google Lead Form Extension

It is no secret that in many areas, mobile activity has overtaken desktop activity. The success of any firm depends on its ability to satisfy its customers. In order to enhance the mobile experience, Google recently made changes to the lead form extensions that were first released in 2019. How can you maximize the chances and advantages of Google Ads lead form extension? Please continue reading to find out more about lead forms, including how they operate and how to set them up.

Google Lead Form Extensions: What Are They?

Advertisers can easily add a lead-generating form to a search ad by using Google lead form extensions. With fewer steps for the customer and higher conversion rates, the feature sends a call to action sooner in the purchasing process. The newest addition Google is introducing to search ads is lead forms.

They combine one-click dialing, callouts, site links, and structural snippets. They display next to search advertising, just like other extensions. Consider lead form extensions as LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms’ competitor in Google Ads. Both use inline lead capture tools to replace the conventional landing page experience.

Naturally, lowering user friction is the aim. But keep in mind a few needs before attaching a Google ad lead form extension to your Google search advertising.

  • Only mobile and tablet devices see Google lead form extensions. No desktop (yet).
  • Only users that are signed into Google are shown the lead form extensions. Don’t be alarmed if they don’t appear in the Ad Preview or Diagnosis Tool.
  • Only the campaign level is where forms are implemented. Ad groupings or specific adverts cannot be specified.
  • Lead form extensions are not permitted for all types of search ads. These include advertisements for politics, healthcare, gambling, and alcoholic beverages.

Furthermore, Google has legitimately tight policies around the usage of personal data. Make sure that any information you obtain via lead form extensions adheres to their policies regarding collecting and using personal data.

Google Lead Form Extensions: Who Should Use Them?

The majority of B2B businesses that want to gather user information can profit from lead form extensions. Google lead form extensions may also be a good option for your business if you lack the time, knowledge, or funds to improve the website user experience.

Requirements For Lead Form Extensions

At present, lead form extensions are permitted on Search, Display, and Discovery ads. For video advertising, they are presently in beta. Contact your Google rep to get on the whitelist for the Video ad type beta. The following conditions must be met to use this extension type:

  • A solid track record of adhering to Google rules.
  • A privacy statement for your company.
  • More than $50,000 was spent overall on Google Ads.

Not all industries enable Google lead form extensions. A few vertical exclusions are as follows:

  • Verticals that are sensitive (such as sexual content).
  • Sensitive verticals’ sub-verticals.

How Do You Make Google Lead Form Extensions?

First of all, it’s important to know that Google is in the process of giving all advertisers access to the beta version of lead form extensions over the next few weeks. So, if the lead form extension isn’t yet visible in your account, be patient; it will be there soon. Making a Google Lead form extension is a straightforward process. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Select a campaign from your account.

Step 2: Go to the “Ads and Extensions” tab inside the campaign by selecting it from the menu on the left.

Step 3: Then select the extensions tab from the menu at the top of the window.

Step 4: To get a list of all the extensions you have access to in your account, click the blue “+” circle. In the list, closer to the top, select “Lead form extension.” If you don’t see this extension, it hasn’t yet been added to your account. This page will appear when you click the link for the Lead form extension!

To set up your Google lead form extension, you must complete the following three steps on this page:

  • Make a lead form extension.
  • Make a Google lead form.
  • Set the form’s submission message.

Improve Your Lead Form

Your lead form is now ready for optimization for the following possibilities:

  • Lead quantity 
  • Lead qualification

How do you decide which course to take? The campaign’s business objectives and intention should be the only criteria used to make this choice. The optimal strategy will be to optimize for lead volume if the top-of-the-funnel objective is to acquire as many leads as possible.

Note: Choosing this route can result in less qualified leads for you. Optimizing for more quality leads is the best option if getting the best leads with the least amount of money spent is the main objective. You will receive more leads overall, but they will be of higher quality, possibly at a higher cost per lead (CPL).

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The Bottom Line

These lead form extensions provide a ground-breaking approach to assisting advertisers in converting more mobile searches. As they become available to more advertisers, make sure to add them to your accounts and then change your mobile bids to get the most out of this mobile ad extension.