When I mention setting weight loss goals, I’m sure the majority of people will think in terms of how many pounds they, or someone else, should lose. That is similar to those who consider setting financial goals and then state money as a goal.
When they think about it more closely, they realize that money isn’t the real goal; the real goal is what you’re going to do with that money. If the goal is to buy a new house, the goal is that new house; if the goal is to retire to Mexico by the sea, the goal is that new home in a new location, Mexico; and if the goal is to help poor children in Africa, the goal is helping children in Africa. In those cases, the goal is not the money itself; money is worthless if it does nothing. It just so happens that many goals necessitate the expenditure of funds in order to be met. Also, always check cardboard display boxes wholesale for food to examine how much calories you are taking from that diet.
Weight loss is similar in some ways; should weight loss be considered an objective in and of itself? Perhaps not, but that is unimportant; what is important is determining the best way for you to lose weight. When you think about it, your decision to lose weight is influenced by a variety of factors. Weight loss is not something you have suddenly considered in isolation; it is likely that a number of other factors have led you to believe that weight loss is necessary. Those “other things” should be the focus of your goal-setting process.
Why You Should Extend Your Weight Loss Goals
Weight loss is a very specific goal. “Why not, what else is there to say?” you may reason. Losing weight is a difficult task. That extra weight is most likely the result of years of poor eating and exercise habits. So, you make the decision to lose weight. For years, your subconscious has been your primary helper in gaining weight. You’re about to announce that the new name of the game is weight loss. Examine the cardboard display boxes for food carefully for it.
With that narrow goal of weight loss, you’ve done nothing to persuade your subconscious that this is a good idea. You haven’t provided a reason or reasons, so why should your subconscious cooperate with this pointless weight loss exercise?
In order to achieve a narrow body, you must first have a broad mind and set of goals. Carefully chosen goals will broaden your argument with yourself and are likely to be far more motivating. You will select a sensible diet and exercise regimens to help you achieve those goals; weight loss will be incidental, just as money was in the previous examples. Check cardboard display boxes wholesale for food to see which ingredients you are taking.
How to Set Weight Loss Goals
You should sit quietly and try to recall as clearly as possible the reasons why you have decided to lose weight. The real reasons, not something like “because I’m too fat.”
Once you’ve determined the cause, whether it’s one, two, or several, write them down. These are the reasons you’ve decided to lose weight. These should be the focal points of your objectives. I’ll give you a few examples to help you grasp the concept:
- You are embarrassed going into a boutique and trying on size 18 dresses. Goal: To be able to go into boutiques and successfully try on size 12 dresses.
- Reason to consider losing weight: You’ve heard a lot about the link between obesity and hypertension, and your blood pressure is high at 150/90.
- It is important to keep your blood pressure at 120/70. Note that such blood pressure targets should be discussed with your doctor as they will vary depending on age and other factors. This is only for illustration purposes.)
- Reason to consider losing weight: You’re tired of being introduced to women and having them look you down with disgust.
The goal is to rekindle women’s admiration for you.
These are just three examples; you may have more or less, but analyzing yourself to see why you really want to lose weight could be an interesting exercise.
How to Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals
Consider the three examples above, and you’ll notice that none of them mention losing weight. All are, however, based on compelling reasons that are more likely to elicit full cooperation from your subconscious. With those three goals, losing weight can play an important role in achieving them while not being the primary goal in and of itself. So, you’ve taken a broader approach (if you’ll pardon the expression) to your weight loss goal setting. Always keep an eye on what you eat for which examining the display cardboard box for food is vital.
There’s no reason to stop going to Weight Watchers or other weight loss groups, and there’s no reason not to have a weight-loss goal. After all, they are now in sync with the three goals you have already used to entice your subconscious into cooperation.
Achieving Goals
So, how do you go about achieving those goals? Every day, a combination of meditation and visualization should help you persuade your subconscious that you are serious about these goals. Here are a few pointers:
- Make a list of your goals and keep it handy.
- Read the objectives and, if possible, repeat them orally in the morning, lunch, and evening.
- In the morning and evening, lie down in silence, relax your body, and focus on your breathing. Dismiss all distractions around you gradually, and then begin to focus on each objective one at a time. Also, repeat the goal in your mind and visualise yourself completing it successfully. Imagine yourself proudly trying on that size 12 dress in front of admiring assistants, or walking into a party of strangers and the women admiring your new body.
Set no deadlines for your goals; instead, let them unfold naturally. Rep the process as many times as necessary; weeks, months, or years.
It is critical to remember that while attempting to lose weight, one’s health should not be jeopardized.
Allow me to explain. Assume you normally consume three 1000-calorie meals per day. Check cardboard display boxes for food to see how much calories you will take from the food you eat. You would half the content of those meals, which would now be 500 calories, and add two more meals, each of which would be 500 calories.